My product has a Manufacturers Extended Warranty, how do I claim?

If you Lloytron product has come with a 2,3 or 5 Year Extended Manufacturer's Guarantee/Warranty then to activate the Guarantee/Warranty you should send the Warranty Card together with Proof of Purchase within 28 days of purchase.

Extended Warranty is not valid outside the UK and Eire.

You will then be sent a reference number for your Extended Warranty.

To make a claim, then send us a ticket with your warranty card reference number so we can assess and replace your product.

(Note: Lloytron reserves the right to replace with an alternative product if your product has become obsolete. We do not offer any monetary value or refunds.)

If you have not activated the Extended Warranty, or details where omitted on the Warranty Card or you failed to send the Warranty Card within the required 28 days, then your warranty is void and you will not be covered by the manufacturer.

Your Statutory Consumer Rights are not affected, and under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 you may still be able to return the product back to the retailer for a repair or replacement.

Also note that Wear & Tear, Malicious Damage, Neglect, Mis-Use and inexpert repairs are also not covered under any Warranty or Statutory Rights.

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